Who are we?

We are Toni and Facundo, which after many years of profession as carpenters and cabinetmakers and many concerns, decided in 2008 to embark on the Flocs project.

We were clear, we wanted to be different, we wanted to bring in new technologies and we wanted to be finished by those customers who let us blow up our imagination and/or ask us to.

Now as managers, together with all our team, we are making sure that we meet our concerns, which is always to provide a professional service, with materials and finishes first, by choosing the type of wood and treatment that the area where they are located requires, by providing new solutions such as LED technology and always trying to meet our deadlines, so that we do not fail in anything about our customers’ projects.

We’re ready to address your concerns, we’re waiting for Roses in the Fuster Flocs and thanks to all those you trusted and continue to trust us!


Who are we?

We are Toni and Facundo, which after many years of profession as carpenters and cabinetmakers and many concerns, decided in 2008 to embark on the Flocs project.

We were clear, we wanted to be different, we wanted to bring in new technologies and we wanted to be finished by those customers who let us blow up our imagination and/or ask us to.

Now as managers, together with all our team, we are making sure that we meet our concerns, which is always to provide a professional service, with materials and finishes first, by choosing the type of wood and treatment that the area where they are located requires, by providing new solutions such as LED technology and always trying to meet our deadlines, so that we do not fail in anything about our customers’ projects.

We’re ready to address your concerns, we’re waiting for Roses in the Fuster Flocs and thanks to all those you trusted and continue to trust us!


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