There are different types of wardrobe that we can choose according to our needs and the space we have. Custom wardrobes for everyday life, design the practical but at the same time elegant and simple wardrobe or dressing room with the most flattering atmosphere in the room and combining with a wide variety of woods, melamine, glass… Wardrobes with swing doors are the most common type of wardrobe. They use a very simple system in which the doors are mounted on hinges and open and close by folding them. This type of closet is the one that will need the most space. Swing door wardrobes are usually the most economical type of wardrobe and also allow us more accessibility and more visibility inside the wardrobe. We will use sliding door wardrobes for smaller spaces or in case we have the wardrobe in a passage area or narrower area, since they do not need a large space to close and open. This type of closet reduces visibility a bit since we can only see the inside of half of the closet at a time. Sliding doors are very practical and also allow us different aesthetic options where we can put paneled closet doors, combined in different colors and different glass. With accessories that fit your lifestyle and comfort. Drawers, shoe racks, bars, folding bars…

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